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Natalia Mira Pravica

Hi! My name is Natalia Mira Pravica, and I was born on May 30, 2003 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, one of North America's oldest cities. My parents were so thrilled and excited when I came into the world that they set up this website for little old me. Due to my Mommy and Daddy moving from New Mexico to Nevada, my Daddy was a bit remiss in setting up my website but I understand why. He had a lot to do.
To save Daddy some time, he set up a photo album for me to more easily share my photos with our friends. It can be accessed by clicking on:

My photo album.

In the picture below, I was at a Wellesley College reunion with my Mommy during the summer of 2004.

In the picture below, I am the girl on the left in the Boston area during last summer cooling off under a fountain and making new friends!

In the following picture, I am sitting with my older brother Nicholas:

Here I am at my brother Luka's baptism in Boston. I love to carry purses!

Updated 8/19/05.